

Are you passionate about attracting the next generation of talent to your organization? If so, don't miss the chance to mingle with and learn from 100 to 200 of your peers who feel EXACTLY the same way.

At least once a year, College Recruiter brings together the best and brightest hiring managers, college relations professionals, talent acquisition managers, and other human resource leaders for our College Recruiting Bootcamps: a day of fast-paced learning, networking, and brainstorming. We invest a lot of time and energy organizing and hosting these events not to make money from the events but because these events are great ways for us to help our clients more efficiently and effectively recruit grads and students and that's helpful to the job seekers we serve as well.

There is absolutely no selling of any kind during the keynotes, presentations, or discussions. There is no exhibit hall or sponsors. All presenters and attendees are corporate or government recruiting and human resource professionals. No vendors. Just your peers.

The College Recruiting Bootcamps feature today's most innovative thought-leaders in college and university relations. Attendees enjoy a fastpaced, interactive learning environment because we limit keynotes and presentations to 20 minutes and panel discussions to 40 minutes. This lightning fast pace forces presenters, panel moderators, and panelists to be razor focused on their topics.

Look for our next College Recruiting Bootcamp now.

What They're Saying

What you did at today's conference was take a room full of clients and turn them into a room full of advocates. — Frank Stipe, Internal Revenue Service

I wanted to thank you for running such a successful event last week at the College Recruiting Bootcamp. It was great to listen to stories, ideas, and connect with individuals in the recruiting world. The event was not only well organized, but also fully engaging and entertaining. Thank you again!
— Katharine Shirley, TMA

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